Poems in Journals & Anthologies

Photo Camp

NonBinary Review 37: Photo Camp (2024)

I Have Yes and My Father Moved to Seattle

Hong Kong Review IV.2 (2024)

Mentha Spicata

Reed Magazine Literary Web Exclusive (2024)

Aggregated Platelets Form a Plug

Ghost Girls 3: Grief (2024)

Weto May Be Translated as Village, or—

Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 71: Neighborhood (2023)

Twenty Twenty One

After . . . Poems Inspired by Other Art (2023)

No Wild Without the People

Heathentide Orphans (Zoetic Press 2023)


Abridged 0-94: Severin (2023)

Bird / Rose / Moon

Indianapolis Review 23 (2023)

The Fifteenth Morning After

24-Hour Chapbook Challenge IV: Sleep (Rancid Idols Productions 2022)

Last Rounds

EcoTheo (2022)

Majuro Atoll, 2222

Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 65: Cruel Spring (2022)

Eve, Diving

Cauldron Anthology 14: Mother (2022)

Echo and Narcissus

Warning Lines Lit 2: Echo (2021)

Against the Bones

Community Spotlight: Images of Obsession from the February Workshop, Collective Aporia (2021)

Our Assorted Quarantines

What Rough Beast: COVID-19 Edition (Indolent Books 2020)

The Contagious Hospital

Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 53: Virus (2020)

King Tide Twilight

Rougarou (2019)

Articulations IV, VI, and VII

The Inflectionist Review 7 (2018)


Open: Journal of Arts & Letters (2018)

Articulation III

sidereal magazine 2 (2017)

Venomous Fang Blenny

Corium Magazine 25 (2017)

Neutral Buoyancy

Hawai’i Review 85: Occupying Va (2016)

If I Didn’t Show

Silver Birch Press (2016)

Erich and Willy

Mayday Magazine 9 (2015)


Rust + Moth (2014)

My Little Friend and Oxford Ties

Ottawa Arts Review 7.1: Throwback (2014)

Poseidon’s Canto

Really System 3: Alertly Messy (2014)


Clare Literary Journal 15 (2014)

Running Away from Home

Sundog Lit 4 (2013)


The Potomac Review 53 (2013)

To My Dead Ex

UCity Review 6 (2013)