Photo Camp
NonBinary Review 37: Photo Camp (2024)
I Have Yes and My Father Moved to Seattle
Hong Kong Review IV.2 (2024)
Mentha Spicata
Reed Magazine Literary Web Exclusive (2024)
Aggregated Platelets Form a Plug
Ghost Girls 3: Grief (2024)
Weto May Be Translated as Village, or—
Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 71: Neighborhood (2023)
Twenty Twenty One
After . . . Poems Inspired by Other Art (2023)
No Wild Without the People
Heathentide Orphans (Zoetic Press 2023)
Abridged 0-94: Severin (2023)
Bird / Rose / Moon
Indianapolis Review 23 (2023)
The Fifteenth Morning After
24-Hour Chapbook Challenge IV: Sleep (Rancid Idols Productions 2022)
Last Rounds
EcoTheo (2022)
Majuro Atoll, 2222
Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 65: Cruel Spring (2022)
How You Come to Tell Me I’ve Done It, I’ve Survived
Repair Anthology (Boston Review 2022)
Eve, Diving
Cauldron Anthology 14: Mother (2022)
Echo and Narcissus
Warning Lines Lit 2: Echo (2021)
Against the Bones
Community Spotlight: Images of Obsession from the February Workshop, Collective Aporia (2021)
Our Assorted Quarantines
What Rough Beast: COVID-19 Edition (Indolent Books 2020)
The Contagious Hospital
Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine 53: Virus (2020)
King Tide Twilight
Rougarou (2019)
Articulations IV, VI, and VII
The Inflectionist Review 7 (2018)
Open: Journal of Arts & Letters (2018)
Articulation III
sidereal magazine 2 (2017)
Venomous Fang Blenny
Corium Magazine 25 (2017)
Neutral Buoyancy
Hawai’i Review 85: Occupying Va (2016)
If I Didn’t Show
Silver Birch Press (2016)
The Kretschmar Child, Gerhardt, and Crazy Marie
UCity Review 9 (2014)
Harvest Moon and Jutta
The Humber Literary Review 1.2 (2014/15)
Main Road, The Oceanids’ Canto, and Uliga Campus
Potluck Magazine (2014)
35, Lojkar Sunday, Couplets for a Saturday, and Island Hotel & Apartments 2 (2014)
Fire Flowers in the Lagoon and Third Space
Rivet 2 (2014)
Rust + Moth (2014)
My Little Friend and Oxford Ties
Ottawa Arts Review 7.1: Throwback (2014)
Poseidon’s Canto
Really System 3: Alertly Messy (2014)
Driver, Rairok October, Enemanit, I Could Be Persephone, and Dragonflies
The Waggle 1 (2014)
Clare Literary Journal 15 (2014)
Running Away from Home
Sundog Lit 4 (2013)
Alma, Fritz, and On Learning that KFC is Offering Boneless Chicken
Compose 2 (2013)
The Potomac Review 53 (2013)
To My Dead Ex
UCity Review 6 (2013)
Ice Princess Reclaimed and Latter Day Creation Myth
The English Chicago Review 1 (2012)
[white dog . . .]
A Blackbird Sings: A Book of Short Poems (Woodsmoke Press 2012)
Make Art, Not and Love a Rainy Night
Hawai’i Pacific Review (2012)
Have You Seen My Scars?
The Tau: The Literary and Visual Art Journal of Lourdes University (2012)
All He Gave Her, All There Is, and Five Lives
quarter after 2 (2012)
Cleaning Disneyland
Folio (2012)
Beige in Nihongo
Reprint Poetry (2012)
Caprico(u)rn, Goldfish, and And Rest in Silence
On Barcelona (2012)
The First Four Days
qarrtsiluni: Imprisonment (2011)
Before the Visa Expires
Lowestoft Chronicle 7 (2011)
Time Keeping
YB Poetry 4: Windows (2011)
Editors in Ironic Gray Flannel Suits
Welter (2011)
To a Post-Breakup Fantasy
Spot Literary Magazine 5.1 (2011)
A Hangover Sonnet, AfterTravels, No Absent Night, Since You Asked about Poetry & Prose, and Pollination Cross
The Stray Branch 4.7 (2011)
Inch Beach and Famine Feast
Poets for Living Waters (2010)
Black Market Review 2 (2010)
Nine of Wants and ELL Room Window
SparkBright 3 (2009)
Kannon & the Pendulum
Blue Fifth Review (2009)
Crossing the Manhattan Bridge, Justice, First Not Sex, Over River, Flash Flood, August Moon, and Inch Beach
Blue Turtle Crossing (2009)
EOAGH 5 (2009)
Incantations in Blue (2009)
Sulaymaniyah and Memory– a Rainy Night
Big Bridge 14 (2009)
Oyster\World\Woman and Phalanges
wunderkammer: collection week (2009)
Summer’s Orders
qarrtsiluni: economy (2009)
Carpal REM
Ottawa Arts Review 7.1: Throwback (2009)
Survivors: Rabbits, Butterfly, and Koi
Galatea Resurrects 12: The Critic Writes Poems (2009)
Losing Season
Slog: Midnight Bus Poetry (2009)
Henan Highway Stretch
foam:e 6 (2009)
Alisha Marie, Cave of Real (Deep, Consumer Society, Cul-de-sac, and Dawn Marks
wheelhouse magazine 7 (2009)
Unforming: a Five-Poem Series (2009)
An Airport of Three Years Ago, Eight of Wands, Le Soleil, and The World in Tarot
viviparous blenny 1 (2009)
Erratic & Growth
Literary Mary 1 (2009)
Wearing, Fog from I-90, Abutment, The Rapist’s Son, and October Head|ines
Otoliths 11 (2008)
Turn of the Word
apt: an online literary journal 16 (2008)
The Long & Short of Third to First and The Binding of Your Words
[grain short/grain long] 1 (2008)